"Objectivist Investing" talk by financial analyst Greg Feirman at Free Minds 2010 conference

From financial analyst Greg Feirman, founder of Top Gun Financial Planning and author of The Odyssey of Star Stock Trader Tim Sykes:

I will be giving a participant-sponsored talk on Objectivist Investing at the 2010 FreeMinds Summer Seminar.
It’s going to be a good talk starting with Rand’s distinction between the primacy of existence vs. the primacy of consciousness. It will cover the two main schools of investing – fundamentals vs. technicals – and how one naturally aligns with the primacy of existence and the other the primacy of consciousness. It will conclude with a synthesis showing that the stock market reflects the facts of reality as filtered through the minds of all its participants.
I will also be talking about specific investors such as Warren Buffett and the Objectivist Jonathan Hoenig of Capitalist Pig Asset Management who writes the TradeCraft column for SmartMoney and appears on Fox New’s stock market show Saturday mornings. I will address the current stock market and how to interpret
Because it is participant sponsored I am worried about people not knowing about it and low turnout. I will be on a panel on Objectivist Investing the afternoon of Saturday July 3. I am hoping to be able to move the talk to after that panel so I can mention it to people who might be interested.