Rand in NY Review of Books

In keeping with my penchant for tracing Rand references, I came upon this little mention in the current New York Review of Books (15 January 2004).
In this issue, John Gregory Dunne reviews Natalie Wood: A Life by Gavin Lambert. [The full text of the review is available online only to subscribers.] He remarks that actress Natalie Wood had a part in the second movie directed by Irvin Pichel, Tomorrow is Forever. The producer of the film was Sam Wood, who, Dunne reminds us:

…is perhaps best remembered for relentlessly rooting out Communist influences in Hollywood films and writing, with Ayn Rand, a manifesto of filmmaking don’ts, including ‘Don’t Glorify Failure’; ‘Don’t Deify the Common Man’; ‘Don’t Smear the Free Enterprise System, Success, and Industrialists’.

That’s a reference to Rand’s Screen Guide for Americans, which appeared in the November 1947 issue of Plain Talk.