Two New Rand Books to Be Released

Two new books of interest to Rand fans will be released in February. The first, Essays on Ayn Rand’s We The Living, is edited by Robert Mayhew, who also edited Ayn Rand’s Marginalia.
The second, by ARI archivist Jeffrey Britting (who was associate producer for the film Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life), is simply titled Ayn Rand and is a collection of rare photos and other sundry items. From the book description:

Ayn Rand made a profound impact as both a philosopher who founded a school of social thought, Objectivism, and as a novelist of penetrating insight and vision. Her works are founded on heroic ideals, demonstrating the maxim that, “man?s ego is the fountainhead of human progress.”
The photos and illustrations in this volume have been hand-selected from the Ayn Rand Archives, and most have never been published. They include personal mementos of a Petersburg childhood, her family and their home on Nevsky Prospect; photos from her early years in America; personal papers, including her list of the twelve publishers who passed on The Fountainhead; original newspaper articles, film posters, notes, drawings, and much more.
In a recent poll conducted by the Library of Congress and the Book-of-the-Month Club, Rand?s Atlas Shrugged was voted the novel most influential to American readers. This latest volume of the acclaimed Overlook Illustrated Lives series gives her legions of fans an unprecedented chance to better understand the author they adore.

(Thanks to Michael Malice for the tip. Further information can be sent to us at: metablog at theatlasphere dot com.)