TOC Summer Seminar Early Registration

The Objectivist Center is reminding folks that the early registration deadline for The Center’s 15th Annual Summer Seminar is approaching. The seminar takes place the week of July 3-10, 2004 at The University of British Columbia.
On May 6th, the conference fee increases from $845 to $945. The conference fee includes your choice of over 60 hours of scheduled presentations, participant sponsored sessions, Seminar materials, lunch from Sunday through Friday (except Wednesday), coffee breaks, the opening cookout, and the closing banquet and dance. And, if you can’t make it for the entire week, this year there is a daily option being offered so that you can tailor the Seminar to fit your schedule. The $160 daily fee includes all scheduled presentations, participant sponsored sessions, seminar materials, lunch, and coffee breaks that day.
Jamie Dorrain, TOC’s Conference Director, says in an announcement about the early registration deadline:

We have an excellent program this year that includes lectures, courses, and workshops in philosophy, politics, art, and personal applications of Objectivism. Once again, the Seminar will feature two morning courses. Shawn Klein will teach a basic course, “The Basics of Objectivism,” and William Thomas will teach a new course “Analyzing the Harmony of Interests.” The seminar will feature lectures on political, ethical, and cultural topics. There will also be practical workshops in self-awareness, nutrition, acting, and physical fitness. And, as always, participants can look forward to insight and enjoyment of the arts: music, film and drama, poetry, literature.

For a brochure, call Erin Hill at The Center (800-374-1776). Brochure, secure online registration and more information are also available at TOC’s website.