Ayn Rand in South Korea

In his remarks to the Annual Liberty Forum of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation in Chicago this April, Lawrence Reed reports on a new initiative called the Atlas International Freedom Corps (IFC):

The vision of the IFC is to develop a new generation of highly skilled and intellectually-savvy individuals who are committed to changing the world by spreading the ideas of the free society worldwide through cross-cultural exchanges of talent. It will develop the next generation of human capital for liberty by discovering, attracting, and nurturing individuals for potential careers within think tanks and other organizations.

Describing his own trip to South Korea on behalf of the IFC, Reed notes the role of Ayn Rand’s writings in spreading free market ideas in this part of the world:

The offices of the Center for Free Enterprise (CFE) in Seoul, South Korea, were my first stop on this three-country mission. Founded by Korean entrepreneur and business consultant Dr. Byoung-Ho Gong in April 1997, CFE?s staff of 10 disseminates a wealth of policy papers and commentary to Korean media and opinion leaders. Among CFE?s voluminous output are no fewer than 55 books. Both Dr. Gong and CFE president Dr. Chung-Ho Kim have translated into Korean numerous classics of free market literature and Austrian economics, including the writings of Frederic Bastiat, Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand and F.A. Hayek.

See Reed’s full remarks for additional information.