Lakshmi Rana and Atlas Shrugged

Lakshmi RanaShe may not be a fan yet, but Indian fashion model Lakshmi Rana reports that she’s currently reading Atlas Shrugged:

New Delhi, October 16: ??During the fashion season I usually work on Sundays, but on days that I am home I wake up around 9a.m,?? says model Lakshmi Rana. After breakfast she goes through newspapers. Being an avid reader Rana takes time out to read books on Sundays. ??Currently I am reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand,?? she says. Richard Bach is also a favourite. ??I enjoyed reading Hari Kunzru?s The Impressionist recently,?? adds Rana. In the afternoon she hits the gym. ??I go to Ozone (in Defence Colony) where I usually work out for about two hours. Sometimes I take the sauna and steam bath and do a pedicure,?? she says. After that Rana hangs out with friends. ??When they come home I enjoy cooking for them. I usually make fish curry or fish fry.?? On Sundays she sleeps late as she usually catches up on movies on her DVD player. The last film that Rana watched was Michael Mann?s Collateral.

If you need a dating service, Miss Rana, we’ll be right here for you.

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