Camp Indecon 2005

Camp Indecon has just announced plans for its 2005 summer camp. From the announcement:

Camp Indecon will return to Woodland Park, Colorado for the week of July 16 through July 23, 2005. Set high in the Rocky Mountains surrounded by Pike National Forest, the Templed Hills Retreat Center has proven to be an ideal location for lodging, dining, class time, and recreation.
As in 2004, we have reserved the same two lodges, one for children ages 9 through 12 and the other for ages 13 through 17. For more information, please visit our website.

One parent from last year’s camp provides the following endorsement:

After camp this year, Dan Lind wrote, ?My 12 year old daughter just returned from her second year at Indecon, and my endorsement is based on her experience.?
?Over the years I’ve talked with my daughter, Susan, about the empirical basis of knowledge, about logic, about the Law of Identity (‘Sweetie, we might not know everything about something but we DO know that we CAN know and understand things about it’)…At Indecon they actually talk about this stuff.?
Mr. Lind continues, ?Indecon is much more than just instruction. It has the activities and fun and social events one would expect from a summer camp. The principles of independence, confidence and thinking for yourself run through all the activities, and create an integrated, cohesive experience.?
?Susan’s mother died in late 2002. By the time she went to Indecon the first time in the summer of 2003, she had acquired her sea legs, had begun to master the art of navigating her life without the existence of her mom. Indecon tied in nicely as an ‘away from home’ adjunct to the support network she has in our community, and I noticed a deepened sparkle and confidence in her that year.?
?Susan has made friends at Indecon from all over the country, one from Canada who has been at Indecon both years she was there. It has the activities and fun and social events one would expect from a summer camp. I’m hoping these will be a circle of special friends that she’ll retain into her adult life.?
?The value Indecon offers is a great deal more than the cost. I recommend it.?

For additional background information about Camp Indecon, see our interview with Camp Indecon founder Hannelore Bugby.
If you are interested in sending your child to Camp Indecon, contributing to the camp’s scholarship fund, or becoming a counselor, visit the Camp Indecon web site for further details and contact information.