Notable Ayn Rand Fan: Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia is owner of Kira, Inc., a construction management and maintenance company serving military facilities throughout the United States. The article “Ace of Base” in Boulder’s Daily Camera provides an inspiring profile of Garcia:

Though he owns homes in both Boulder and Miami, has a Picasso hanging in his den and is constantly crisscrossing the country on planes, Carlos Garcia dismisses the notion that he leads a glamorous life.
“I don’t know of any other Columbia MBAs who unclog toilets on military bases,” Garcia said. […]
A native of Cuba, Garcia was only three months old when his family fled the country after the government took over his father’s sugar farm. He lived with his mother and two sisters in the Bahamas until he moved to Pennsylvania to attend college. In a time when criticism of government and foreign policy is common, Garcia remains thankful for the opportunities afforded in a free society.
“Anyone who was born in a Communist country and had members of their family killed is going to spend a lot more time being grateful to this country rather than criticizing it,” he said. “This is the greatest country in the world.”
The name of his company comes from a character in Ayn Rand’s novel, “We the Living.” Garcia identifies with its heroine, a woman engineer who struggles to escape from Communist Russia to America. Like Rand, Garcia believes there is much to appreciate about America.
“I am definitely an optimist,” Garcia said. “I see the beauty in life and try to appreciate it as I can.”
While freedom and individuality rule his personal philosophy, hard work and quality are equally vital when it comes to Garcia’s business doctrine. His drive for excellence is well known to those who work around him.

See the full article (registration required) for additional information about this highly successful fan of Ayn Rand’s novels.