Ayn Rand Centenary Events

The Ayn Rand Institute and Objectivist Conferences are commemorating Ayn Rand’s centenary in two weekend events in Irvine, California (February 2-6, 2005) and in New York City (April 23-24, 2005).
Below is a summary of the events. For more details, pricing and registration information, visit the Objectivist Conferences Web site.

Centenary Event Schedule in 2005

Irvine, California
February 2: Ayn Rand Institute 20th Anniversary Reception
February 4: FREE Lecture by Peter Schwartz: The Virtue of Selfishness: Why Achieving Your Happiness Is Your Highest Moral Purpose
February 5: Four Lectures: A Celebration of Ayn Rand’s Life
February 5: Celebration Dinner With Leonard Peikoff and Mary Ann Sures
February 6: Breakfast With Yaron Brook: ARI and the Future of Objectivism
New York City
April 23: Four Lectures: A Celebration of Ayn Rand’s Life
April 23: Celebration Dinner With Mary Ann Sures
April 24: Presentation: Guide to Ayn Rand Sites in Manhattan, With Q & A
April 24: FREE Lecture by Yaron Brook: ARI and the Future of Objectivism