Ayn Rand in Chicago Tribune: Rand is now Mainstream?

An article sympathetic to Ayn Rand was written by Steve Chapman in the Chicago Tribune, titled “The evolution of Ayn Rand.” It starts:

Has Ayn Rand gone mainstream? The radical champion of individualism and capitalism, who died in 1982, is no longer an exotic taste. Her image has adorned a U.S. postage stamp. Her ideas have been detected in a new mass-market animated comedy film, “The Incredibles.” And Wednesday, on the 100th anniversary of her birth, there will be a Rand commemoration at the Library of Congress–an odd site for a ceremony honoring a fierce anti-statist.
In her day, Rand was at odds with almost every prevailing attitude in American society. She infuriated liberals by preaching economic laissez-faire and lionizing titans of business. She appalled conservatives by rejecting religion in any form while celebrating, in her words, “sexual enjoyment as an end in itself.”
But her novels found countless readers. “The Fountainhead,” published in 1943, and “Atlas Shrugged,” which followed in 1957, are still in print. In 1991, when the Book-of-the-Month Club polled Americans asking what book had most influenced their lives, “Atlas Shrugged” finished second only to the Bible. In all, Rand’s books have sold about 22 million copies and continue to sell at the rate of more than half a million a year.

The article is short, but Chapman argues that Rand’s ideas, once so controversial, are now so mainsteam that “we have forgotten where they originated”.
Chapman mentions the 100th anniversary, gives a brief history, and quotes David Kelley of the Objectivist Center.
See the full article for further information.