The Fountainhead Soundtrack, by Max Steiner

The soundtrack for The Fountainhead movie has been recently released on audio CD, with a lavish 32-page color booklet.
Chris Sciabarra wrote an insightful review of the recording for Navigator, including this excerpt from the liner notes:

Steiner’s score suggests that he felt a strong affinity for The Fountainhead. There is, to be sure, no documentary evidence to prove this (indeed, all that we have on paper are Steiner’s notes to his orchestrator, Murray Cutter). However, the music, especially the heroic Roark theme, so perfectly conveys the feel of a Rand novel, it is hard not to think that Steiner was personally moved by the story, and its message. Steiner uses his music to convey important information to the audience. For example, he establishes subtle “links” between characters through the music…. Steiner demonstrates an insight into the metaphysical nature of the “evil” that opposes Roark…. His use of the “redemption theme” is carefully placed and always conveys what Rand intends. There is even a musical link made between Dominique’s malevolent sense of life, and Wynand’s tragic flaw. All in all, the evidence suggests that Steiner had a strong, intuitive insight into what Rand was up to.

Check out Sciabarra’s full review for additional information.