Carnival of The Atlasphere

This is your chance to make your blog known to a larger audience of likeminded thinkers.
The Ayn Rand Meta-Blog will be posting a Carnival of the Atlasphere, modeled after the popular Carnival of the Capitalists.
Atlasphere member?s blogs will be listed along with a general description of the purpose of the blog and postings of interest to Atlasphere members. I want to highlight what Atlasphere bloggers are doing and thinking ? your ideas.
The Carnival will be published here, on the Ayn Rand Meta-Blog and for each blog listed, the blogger?s network profile will be linked.
I?m currently scouring the Atlasphere bloglisting for blogs to highlight in the upcoming Carnival but the list is long, so if you don?t want me to miss your blog and can?t wait to reach out to a larger audience, please drop me a line, tell me about your blog and your favorite postings.
For more information and to tell me about your blog please email:
Cheers and Happy Blogging