New Novel in the Ayn Rand Tradition: Noble Vision

Gennady Stolyarov II has published a review of the novel Noble Vision, which looks like it may be of interest to admirers of Ayn Rand’s novels. His review concludes:

Noble Vision is a novel of heroes and villains, good and evil in the most fundamental existential sense. In it, men of integrity confront men of cowardice over the issue of state-controlled medicine. In the real United States, the government is still greedily eying the medical field, seeking to shackle and regulate it in preparation for a complete usurpation. Will there be enough real-world heroes to resist this infringement upon individual sovereignty, prosperity, and progress? For those who wish to partake in the struggle for free markets, Noble Vision is an excellent companion and source of intellectual ammunition.

Atlasphere member Paul Hibbert read this novel recently and tells me it’s a real page-turner. See the full review for more information.