FairTax Book is #2 at Amazon (#1 is Harry Potter)

Neil Boortz’s The FairTax Book (due out August 2nd) has reached the #1 nonfiction slot on Amazon.com — and its overall sales is second only to the new Harry Potter book.
Here’s the description of the book at Amazon, presumably from the back cover:

Wouldn’t you love to abolish the IRS … Keep all the money in your paycheck … Pay taxes on what you spend, not what you earn … And eliminate all the fraud, hassle, and waste of our current system?
Then the FairTax is for you. In the face of the outlandish American tax burden, talk-radio firebrand Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder are leading the charge to phase out our current, unfair system and enact the FairTax Plan — replacing the federal income tax and withholding system with a simple 23 percent retail sales tax. This dramatic revision of the current system, which would eliminate the reviled IRS, has already caught fire in the American heartland, with more than 600,000 taxpayers signing on in support of the plan.
As Boortz and Linder reveal in this first book on the FairTax, this radical but eminently sensible plan would end the annual national nightmare of filing income tax returns, while at the same time enlarging the federal tax base by collecting sales tax from every retail consumer in the country. The FairTax, they argue, would transform the fearsome bureaucracy of the IRS into a more transparent, accountable — and equitable — tax collection system. Endorsed by scores of leading economists — and supported by a huge and growing grassroots movement — the Fair Tax Plan could revolutionize the way America pays for itself.

And here’s an related update from the folks at FairTax.org:

Today and through midnight July 31st, any contribution to FairTax.org for $50.00 or more will include Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder’s new “The FairTax Book.” I ask you to support the FairTax fight by making a donation of $50.00 right now and locking in your copy.
Today, “The FairTax Book,” by Congressman John Linder and talk show host Neal Boortz, has hit #1 on Amazon.com for nonfiction books and #2 in overall book sales. Famous Fox media personality Sean Hannity has even said he thinks the book could go to #1 on the New York Times Best Sellers list.
You and I can’t let this opportunity to spread the FairTax message pass without taking full advantage of it. To have “The FairTax Book” on the New York Times Best Sellers list would be equivalent to millions of dollars in advertising for FairTax. This is money we won’t have to spend if we can get people to buy the book.

If you agree this is a worthwhile cause, please stop by and make a contribution so you can receive a free copy.