Bennett Cerf on Game Show Network

From Atlasphere member Marsha Enright:
Recently, the Game Show Network has been airing a wonderful old TV show, “What’s My Line?” in which a panel of regulars uses yes and no questions to try and guess the profession of the guest.
The regulars were actress Arleen Francis, newswoman Dorothy Kilgallen and publisher Bennett Cerf. On one of the 1957 shows, Dorothy Killgalen introduces Cerf with these remarks:
“Now I’d like to introduce our regular panelist who is the publisher of one of the most exciting novels I’ve ever read which is a new book by Ayn Rand due soon, and is called Atlas Shrugged. Don’t miss it. Here’s Bennett Cerf.”
Aside from this bit about Rand, the show is well worth watching for its erudition, civility, remarkably articulate panelists and interesting guests. The women wore evening dresses and John C. Daley, who was head of the News Division of his network, was the moderator. I can’t imagine a show like this today!