BB&T Donates $1 Million to UNC Charlotte

From an announcement on UNC’s Belk College of Business web site:

BB&T donates $1 million to UNC Charlotte
Gift will create programs focused on moral foundations of capitalism
The Belk College of Business has received a $1 million contribution from the BB&T Charitable Foundation to create a program for the study of the moral foundations of capitalism.
The donation was spearheaded by BB&T Chairman and CEO John A. Allison IV (left), who found common interests with Claude Lilly, dean of the Belk College.
“During a dinner meeting last year, our conversation turned from ethics and leadership to metaphysics, Objectivism and Ayn Rand,� Lilly said. �John and I discovered that we share an interest in how business schools discuss capitalism in their courses, as well as the importance of teaching ethics and values in business.�
The contribution is payable over five years and will be used to support the development of a course on ethics and morals in capitalism for advanced business undergraduates and MBA students. Lilly will be the first instructor for the course, which will be offered as a business elective in the spring 2006 semester. Additionally, the gift will fund faculty research on the philosophical underpinnings of capitalism; create a speakers series focusing on ethical and core values in business; support the Center for Applied Ethics at UNC Charlotte; and establish an Ayn Rand reading room on campus.

See their full announcement for more information.
Incidentally, this is the same BB&T who we noted last year made a $1 million grant to the University of South Carolina to promote the study of capitalism.

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