Ayn Rand Society program: Ayn Rand as Aristotelian

The Ayn Rand Society announced its program for December 2005. The title of this year’s program is “Ayn Rand as Aristotelian.”
The details of the program are as follows:

Ayn Rand as Aristotelian
Chairman: John M. Cooper (Princeton University)
James G. Lennox (University of Pittsburgh) – “Axioms and their Validation”
Allan Gotthelf (University of Pittsburgh) – “Concepts and Essences”
Fred D. Miller, Jr. (Bowling Green State University) – “Values and Happiness”
Robert Mayhew (Seton Hall University) – “Literary Esthetics”
New York Hilton
1335 Avenue of the Americas
New York City
Thursday, December 29th
1:30-4:30 pm
Nassau Suite B (Second Floor)

The Ayn Rand Society is affiliated with the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division. Its aim is to foster the scholarly study by philosophers of the philosophical thought and writings of Ayn Rand. Membership in The Ayn Rand Society is open only to members of the American Philosophical Association. Non-members of the APA may affiliate with the Society as a “Contributor.” Contributors receive papers and other mailings, including memos, meeting announcements and invitations, along with members. The ARS membership/contribution form is available on the ARS website.
The ARS program “Ayn Rand as Aristotelian” is open to everyone registered at the convention, whether an ARS member or not; and registration is open both to members and to non-members of the APA. Advance registration forms, and the entire program for the December 2005 convention are posted at the APA Eastern Division website