Liberty Film Festival: "Was Communism a Threat to Hollywood?

As was announced on this Meta-Blog item, the upcoming Liberty Film Festival will honor Ayn Rand with the screening of We the Living. The festival will feature an additional item of interest to Ayn Rand fans: a panel discussion on the blacklisting of the Hollywood Ten, titled: “Was Communism a Threat to Hollywood?”
In 1947, Ayn Rand testified before the House of Un-American Activities Committee, who was investigating the Communist inflirtation of the Holloywood film industry. Rand, who testified on the false portrayal of life under Communism in the movie “Song of Russia,” had been vilified for her support of the HUAC. The recently published Ayn Rand and Song of Russia: Communism and Anti-Communism in 1940s Hollywood provides a detailed re-examination the role of communism in Hollywood, the nature of the HUAC, and the famously blacklisted Hollywood Ten.

“Was Communism A Threat to Hollywood?”
Moderator: Film historian/journalist John Meroney
Panelists: Richard Schickel (TIME film critic, noted film historian), James Hirsen (best-selling author, Hollywood Nation), Ron Radosh (Red Star over Hollywood), Patrick Goldstein (LA Times film critic, columnist), Ed Rampell (author, Progressive Hollywood) and Jeff Britting of the Ayn Rand Institute (producer of the Oscar-nominated Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life). Authors Richard Schickel, Ron Radosh, James Hirsen, Ed Rampell and Jeff Britting will do book signings after the panel.
EVENT 7 – Saturnday, October 22, 6:00PM – 7:15PM
Ticekt price – $8