"The Objective Standard" – a New Objectivist Journal

The Objective Standard is a new quarterly journal of culture and politics, written from an Objectivist perspective.
The purpose of the journal is to analyze and evaluate ideas, trends, events, and policies according to the philosophy of Ayn Rand – a philosophy of reason, egoism, and laissez-faire capitalism. The new journal provides a rational, principled alternative to the ideas of both liberalism and conservatism.

“Whereas liberals hold that morality is subjective (i.e., feeling-based), that majority opinion is the standard of value, that sacrifice for the common good is noble, and that rights are social conventions; and whereas conservatives hold that morality is grounded in religion (i.e., faith-based), that Godâ??s will is the standard of value, that sacrifice in obedience to His commands is good, and that rights are divine decrees; we hold that morality is grounded in the objective requirements of human life (i.e., reason-based), that manâ??s life is the standard of value, that the selfish pursuit of oneâ??s life-serving goals is good, and that individual rights are moral principles defining the basic requirements of a civilized society.”

The permiere issue is scheduled for April 2006.