Greenspan Authoring Autobiography

From an article at CNN:

Recently retired Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan believes that there will be a major independent candidate for president from the nation’s political center, according to a published report.
In an interview with The New York Times about his post-Fed activities, Greenspan said he makes that prediction in a memoir, for which he recently got an estimated $8.5 million advance from Penguin Press, a unit of British publishing concern.
Greenspan told the Times he plans to argue that the current “ideological divide” separating conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats leaves “a vast untended center from which a well-financed independent presidential candidate is likely to emerge in 2008 or, if not then, in 2012.”
He also told the newspaper the book will focus on “the forces that will determine how the next decades are likely to unfold.” Among his conclusions are that “global competitive pressures are likely in the years ahead to bias most market-oriented economies toward the U.S. model.”

Later in the article:

He told the newspaper he plans to write some of his early life history, including the influence of his mentor, the author and novelist Ayn Rand, who shaped him as a young man into a libertarian. And he promised the newspaper he also will describe his “encounters with, and impressions of” numerous politicians, cabinet members, presidents and world leaders.

See the full article for more about Greenspan’s post-retirement activities.
Hm, gotta figure out how we can get an interview with him….
UPDATE: Incidentally, the $8.5 million advance Greenspan received from Penguin for this book is the second-highest advance ever for a non-fiction book.