How to Help Wafa Sultan

Wafa Sultan — the woman who spoke out so bravely against the roots of radical Islam on al Jazeera last month — is currently in hiding, in response to the Fatwa put on her head by crazed Islamofascists. Find out how you can help.
Hat-tip: Atlas Shrugs.
UPDATE: Some interesting background about Ms. Sultan, from the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel:

Sultan grew up in a large, traditional Muslim family in Banias, Syria, a small city on the Mediterranean about a two-hour drive north of Beirut. Her father was a grain trader and a devout Muslim, and she followed the faith’s strictures into adulthood.
But, she said, her life changed in 1979 when she was a medical student at the University of Aleppo in northern Syria. At that time, the radical Muslim Brotherhood was using terror to try to undermine the regime of President Hafez Assad. Gunmen of the Muslim Brotherhood burst into a classroom at the university and killed her professor as she watched, she said.
“They shot hundreds of bullets into him shouting, ‘God is Great!’ ” she said. “At that point, I lost my trust in their god and began to question all our teachings. It was the turning point of my life, and it has led me to this present point. I had to leave. I had to look for another god.”

Later in the same article:

An angry essay on that site by Sultan about the Muslim Brotherhood caught the attention of Al-Jazeera, which invited her to debate an Algerian cleric on the air in July.
In the debate, Sultan questioned the religious teachings that prompt young people to commit suicide in the name of God. “Why does a young Muslim man, in the prime of life, with a full life ahead, go and blow himself up?” she asked. “In our countries, religion is the sole source of education and is the only spring from which that terrorist drank until his thirst was quenched.”
Her name began appearing in Arabic newspapers and Web sites. But her fame grew exponentially when she appeared on Al-Jazeera again last month, saying she was not a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew but a “secular human being.”
The appearance was translated and widely distributed by the Middle East Media Research Institute, known as MEMRI, which said the clip had been viewed more than a million times. A link to the videotape and translated excerpts can be found at
Sultan said she has received numerous death threats on her telephone answering machine and by e-mail: “Oh, you are still alive? Wait and see” and “If someone were to kill you, it would be me.”
Sultan said her mother, who lives in Syria, is afraid to contact her directly, speaking only through a sister in Qatar.

See the full article for more.