Monika Kovacs Places 2nd in Canadian Provincials

I just received word that Atlasphere member Monika Kovacs (pictured below, at left) has won second place (in “medium class figure”) at this year’s Canadian Provincials female bodybuilding competition.

Monika Kovacs (pictured at left)

Congratulations, Monika! And… WOW. 🙂
“What makes this event especially amazing to me is what led up to it,” she writes. “I attended the first Provincials two years ago as a spectator and looked at the stage full of graceful beauties like a child looks at a window of a candy store, with eyes sparkling and wide open, wishing they could indulge.
“I went back last year. Then and there my passions and love of competing intensified, and I knew I wanted to be back, and I had to be there!
“I am soooo happy and at the same time so tired now! I am taking a little break as my body and mind are very exhausted. I cannot wait to be back on track again and set out to achieve my next goals.”
Keeping my fingers crossed that she can fit us in for a full interview at the Atlasphere one day soon.
UPDATE: I just learned that Monika also won the Northern Ontario Championship on June 10th.  And she has agreed to do an interview with the Atlasphere, so hopefully we’ll have that ready within a couple weeks!