Hudgins, Bidinotto on Air America Radio

The Atlas Society sent the following notice:

Edward Hudgins, executive director of The Atlas Society, and Robert Bidinotto, editor of the group’s magazine, The New Individualist, will each appear on “The Thom Hartmann Show” on Air America.
Hudgins will be interviewed on Thursday, March 1 at 12:07pm Eastern time ; Robert will be interviewed on Friday, March 2 at 1:34pm.
Hartmann’s the guy who replaced the Al Franken last week. Here are the affiliates that carry the show. The show also will be carried on Sirius/XM satellite radio; you can go here to listen live. There’s a call-in line for listeners, too: (866)303-2270.
Hope you can listen in!

Robert Bidinotto blogs about these appearances at Bidinotto Blog.