Atlas Shrugged 50th Anniversary Celebration

An announcement from the Atlas Society:

Atlas Shrugged 50th Anniversary Celebration on October 6!
Since its publication half a century ago, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged has inspired millions. Come hear leading scholars, experts and achievers discuss the literary, philosophical, moral, economic and political aspects of this great novel and its impact on our world–past, present and future. Our keynote speakers are John Stossel of ABC’s 20/20 show and Charles Murray, libertarian scholar. (See full schedule below.)
Hear any updates on the planned Atlas movie. Celebrate with others who love the book. Don’t miss the excitement! If your life and thinking were changed by Atlas Shrugged, this is a day you won’t want to miss!
You can get further information, updates and register online at
When: Saturday, October 6, 2007, 8:00am- 9:00pm.
Conference and banquet location: Merriott Renaissance Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Afternoon Reception: The Cato Institute, Washington, D.C.
Seminar costs for entire day, reception at the Cato Institute and gala banquet:
$210 before September 21. $250 after September 21. $150 student rate. $199 per night at Renaissance Hotel if registered by September 6.
The Program:
8:00-9:00am — Registration
9:00am — Welcoming Remarks: *Edward Hudgins, executive director, The Atlas Society
9:15-10:30am — Panel One
*Anne Heller, author of an upcoming biography on Ayn Rand — “Atlas and Rand’s Life”
*Mimi Gladstein, author of Atlas Shrugged: A Reader’s Companion — “Atlas and Rand the Writer”
*David Kelley, founder and senior fellow, The Atlas Society — “Atlas in Academia”
10:30-11:00am — Coffee Break
11:00am-12:15pm — Panel Two
*Tibor Machan, professor, Chapman University, philosopher and author — “Atlas and Ethics”
*William Thomas, director of programs, The Atlas Society — “Atlas and Loving Life”
*David Mayer, professor of law and history, Capital University — “Atlas and the American Revolution”
12:30-1:45pm — Luncheon speaker: Charles Murray — “Atlas and Achievement”
2:00-3:15pm — Panel Three
*Edward Younkins, professor of economics, Wheeling Jesuit University — “Atlas and Economics”
*Ed Snider, chairman, Comcast Spectacor — “Atlas and the Entrepreneur”
*Rob Bradley, president, Institute for Energy Research — “Atlas and Business Ethics”
3:15-3:30pm — Coffee Break
3:30-4:45pm — Panel Four
*Fred Smith, president, Competitive Enterprise Institute — “Atlas and Politics”
*Edward Crane, president, The Cato Institute — “Atlas and the Fight for Freedom”
*Edward Hudgins, executive director, The Atlas Society — “Atlas & the Future of Objectivism”
5:00-6:15pm — Reception at the Cato Institute. *Reflections on Atlas Shrugged by Nathaniel Branden and Barbara Branden.
6:30-9:00pm — Gala Banquet *Keynote: John Stossel, “Atlas and America Today.” *Final Remarks: David Kelley