Ayn Rand and the Atlasphere in Inc. Magazine

I was just alerted by a new Atlasphere member that the October issue of Inc. Magazine contains an article regarding the 50th anniversary of Atlas Shrugged.
The new issue is not yet available in local newsstands and the October issue hasn’t yet been posted on their web site — so unfortunately I haven’t read it. But apparently the Atlasphere gets a brief mention.
The author, Leigh Buchanan, contacted me in June while conducting research for the article. She said she was planning to write about how Ayn Rand’s novels had influenced entrepreneurs.
Should be worth checking out.
UPDATE (10/1/07): I was able to pick up a copy of this issue today at the local newsstand.
The article is titled “Happy Anniversary, Masters of the Universe” and, despite being only two pages long, was touted in a round, red call-out right on the cover of the October issue.
The article itself is highly favorable to Ayn Rand. After a three-paragraph introduction by Buchanan, the rest of the article consists of quotes from entrepreneurs inspired by Ayn Rand, including yours truly.
Here is the quote they included from me:

“I created The Atlasphere, a social networking and dating site for Ayn Rand fans, after I was approached by a gentleman who said ‘When I go to a new city and I need to find a lawyer or a realtor, I’d like to have a directory of people who love Ayn Rand’s ideas.’ People like to do business with others who share their philosophy. Rand is a starting place for trust.”
–Joshua Zader, [co-] founder of Zoom Strategies, a Web-development business in Albuquerque, and the [owner] of The Atlasphere

The gentleman I refer to is, of course, the late and well-loved Charles Tomlinson.