Atlas Shrugged Movie Update: Interview with Executive Producer John Aglialoro

For the latest scoop on the Atlas Shrugged movie, see Susan Paris’s interview with Aglialoro in our new column “John Aglialoro on the Atlas Shrugged Movie.”
Tasty excerpt:

SP: When will filming begin?
Aglialoro: Fourth quarter of 2008 or 1st quarter of 2009.
SP: When would it open in theaters?
Aglialoro: You got to figure an editing process of at least six months. Probably youâ??re talking about the Fall of 2009.
SP: Do you think the final script will adequately convey the message of Rand’s book?
Aglialoro: The essence of the message will be there. We canâ??t include every detail from the book.
We want people to be driven to the book by the movie.
In fact, when we do the DVD we want to include something on the disc to promote the book. I expect to include a feature on the making of the movie.

See the full article for more.