Monday, May 12 Deadline for TAS Summer Seminar Discounts

From the announcement:

The Monday, May 12 deadline is approaching for discounts on full-week registrations for The Atlas Society’s 19th annual Summer Seminar on “Objectivism in Theory and Practice” in beautiful Portland, Oregon from June 28 through July 5. You can still register at least through June 16 but can save money by registering now.
Here are some more of the over 30 speakers in some 50 sessions that you’ll hear:
In philosophy, The Atlas Society’s William Thomas, who organized this Summer Seminar, will discuss “Government & Anarchy” and will ask “Is a Limited Government a Small Government?”; William Kline, a big hit last year with his course on business ethics and Objectivism, this year offers three parts on “Environmental Ethics;” and New Individualist editor Robert Bidinotto discusses “Platonic Politics.”
In politics and culture Vickie Oddino will reveal the truth about “Group Identity on College Campuses;” Edward Hudgins explains “Individualism and the Quest for Community;” Stephen Moses gives us two parts on “Rolling Back the Welfare State;” Sam Kazman of the Competitive Enterprise Institute will alert us to “The FDA’s Deadly Overcaution;” and Michael Shaw will raise our consciousness about the danger of “Transforming America: Understanding Sustainable Development.”
In art, Susan McCloskey gives us two parts on “The Root of All Evil” with reference to Ayn Rand’s novels, and Lindsay Wilcox will explain “What Makes Heroic Sculpture Heroic.”
In applied Objectivism, Rob Bradley, who worked for over a decade and a half for Enron, will reflect on “Ayn Rand, Enron, and Reconstruction of Business Ethics;” Joe Duarte will gladden our minds and hearts in “Flourishing: The New and Evolving Science of Happiness;” and Jackie Hazelton will give us very timely “Thoughts on Voting.”
You can check out the full schedule at our events website.
And don’t forget: This year’s event at the University Place Hotel and Conference Center at Portland State University will offer upscale accommodations for those who want physical comfort. But we’ll still offer basic rooms in the nearby university dorms if you’d rather save your money for other priorities–like purchasing products from our Objectivism Store!
At the Summer Seminar you will find as always a benevolent gathering of like-minded and open- minded individuals with whom to share ideas, enjoy friendships and celebrate life–the true Galt’s Gulch experience!
You can find the various registration options on The Atlas Society website. Act by May 12 and save!