Another Atlas Shrugged movie update from John Aglialoro, via The Atlas Society

On the heels of the recent Atlas movie update from, the Atlas Society has posted an update with official word from John Aglialoro on his Atlas Shrugged movie plans.

Aglialoro expects the film to be released by the first quarter of 2011. He currently projects a three-movie sequence, following the structure of the novel. He has engaged Paul Johansson as director. Locations have been booked and casting is nearly complete.
â??Thereâ??s obviously a lot of risk in doing it this,â? says Aglialoro, head of Cybex, the exercise-equipment company, and a trustee of The Atlas Society. â??But taking risks for something you believe inâ??thatâ??s what Atlas is all about. The strength of the project is what itâ??s always been: the power of Ayn Randâ??s novel.â?

See the full post for more.