Classical 'Holy Grail' Decoded

The online edition of The Independent has an interesting article that explains how ancient Greek and Roman texts have been made available for reading by the use of infra-red technology.
Excerpt from the article:

For more than a century, it has caused excitement and frustration in equal measure – a collection of Greek and Roman writings so vast it could redraw the map of classical civilisation. If only it was legible.
Now, in a breakthrough described as the classical equivalent of finding the holy grail, Oxford University scientists have employed infra-red technology to open up the hoard, known as the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, and with it the prospect that hundreds of lost Greek comedies, tragedies and epic poems will soon be revealed.

Nathaniel Branden Interview Online

An interview of Nathaniel Branden by Mark Selzer is available online (either streaming or for download in various formats).
From the Libertarian TV web site:

Mark Selzer is a long-time host of “The Libertarian Alternative,” the long-time-running public access TV show in California which has graciously agreed to share their videos with us. In return, they have asked that we provide a link to the Libertarian Party website for those of our viewers who might be interested in joining the party.
Mr. Branden, best known for his early association with Ayn Rand, shares his views on a self-esteem and personal responsibility as he discusses his book, Taking Responsibility. He says, “You cannot have a good level of self-esteem unless you lead a responsible life.”

The video can be downloaded in a variety of formats. Since this is about a 28 minute interview, these are large files.

Chicago Area Play 'The Cage' Opens

A new play, Dream Theatre’s The Cage, opens this weekend by a Rand-influenced author and actor Jeremy Menekseoglu.
From their web site:

For 23 years Ibrahim has lived in a cage locked in darkness within
the palace walls. When the door suddenly opens, Ibrahim is thrust
not only into a terrifyingly beautiful world he’s never known, but also
onto the throne of the most powerful empire in the world. But Ibrahim
was not the only one kept inside a cage: there is something terrible
within the walls?something that is about to escape. Directed by
Sarah Mostad and Mia Kuziko. Each performance will be followed
by a post-show discussion with the cast

Visit their web site for more information and tickets.
(Thanks to Marsha Enright at NIF for the tip.)

New Russian Printing of Rand's Novels

From a posting to Russell Whitaker’s Survival Arts blog, the next printing of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead is scheduled for next week.
Sponsors are being sought. Glenn Cripe (a partner in the printing) writes:

We are also looking for sponsors. For $500, you get your name in all future editions of the books, a few free copies for your own use, a tax deduction, our undying gratitude, plus the chance to participate in changing the course of history! Inquiries should be sent to

In case you can read Russian, the cover for volume 1 of Atlas Shrugged is given below:
