Yaron Brook on the Glenn Beck program this coming Tuesday

From the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights:

We have a special announcement! Dr. Yaron Brook, president of the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights, is scheduled to appear on the Glenn Beck program on Fox News Channel, Tuesday, June 15th for the entire hour to discuss â??when fiction becomes fact.â? It is a special program dedicated to â??Atlas Shruggedâ? and Vince Flynnâ??s book â??Term Limits.â? The show starts at 5 p.m., Eastern time (2 p.m., Pacific time).
If you are unable to see the live airing of this program, please consult your local listings for a possible rebroadcast.

Ayn Rand's "Intellectual Bankruptcy" manuscript coming up for auction in New York on June 18th

From reader Caroline Johnson:

An original Ayn Rand manuscript will be up for auction at Sotheby’s New York on Friday, June 18 at 10:00 AM. This is the first major original Rand manuscript to come to auction in many years, and Sothebys has noted that handwritten Rand manuscripts of this size are rare at auction.
This work is Rand’s manuscript for her first speech at Ford Hall Forum, “The Intellectual Bankruptcy of Our Age,” delivered on March 26, 1961.

Another Atlas Shrugged movie update from John Aglialoro, via The Atlas Society

On the heels of the recent Atlas movie update from Deadline.com, the Atlas Society has posted an update with official word from John Aglialoro on his Atlas Shrugged movie plans.

Aglialoro expects the film to be released by the first quarter of 2011. He currently projects a three-movie sequence, following the structure of the novel. He has engaged Paul Johansson as director. Locations have been booked and casting is nearly complete.
â??Thereâ??s obviously a lot of risk in doing it this,â? says Aglialoro, head of Cybex, the exercise-equipment company, and a trustee of The Atlas Society. â??But taking risks for something you believe inâ??thatâ??s what Atlas is all about. The strength of the project is what itâ??s always been: the power of Ayn Randâ??s novel.â?

See the full post for more.

Atlas Shrugged fan Ron Johnson mounts self-funded campaign to unseat Feingold

A new column by George Will titled “Running vs. shrugging” begins:

Before what he calls “the jaw-dropping” events of the last 19 months — TARP, the stimulus, Government Motors, the mistreatment of Chrysler’s creditors, Obamacare, etc. — the idea of running for office never crossed Ron Johnson’s mind. He was, however, dry tinder — he calls Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” his “foundational book” — and now is ablaze, in an understated, upper-Midwestern way. This 55-year-old manufacturer of plastic products from Oshkosh is what the Tea Party looks like.
He is trim, gray-haired and suddenly gray-suited. For years, he has worn jeans and running shoes to his office, but now, under spousal duress, he is trying to look senatorial — “My wife upgraded me to brown shoes.” He has been endorsed by the state party and will almost certainly win the September primary for the Republican nomination to run against Russ Feingold, who is seeking a fourth term in a year in which incumbency is considered a character flaw.
George F. Will Logo
Former Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson led Feingold in polls and froze the race on the Republican side before deciding not to run. But in this season of simmering resentment of the political class, a neophyte such as Johnson might be a stronger candidate than a recycled executive. Johnson can fund himself. Asked how much of his wealth he will spend, if necessary, his answer is as simple as it is swift: “All of it.”

And concludes with this gem:

From 2000 through 2008, sales of “Atlas Shrugged,” which was published in 1957, averaged a remarkable 166,000 a year. Since Barack Obama took office, more than 600,000 copies have been sold. The novel’s famous opening words — “Who is John Galt?” — refer to a creative capitalist, Rand’s symbol of society’s self-sufficient people who, weary of carrying on their shoulders the burden of dependent people, shrug. Ron Johnson would rather run.

See the full column for more.

Atlas Shrugged movie scheduled to definitely start production – on June 11th, 2010!

A new article at Deadline.com begins:

For almost two decades, Hollywood has tried unsuccessfully to turn Ayn Randâ??s 1100 page classic Atlas Shrugged into a feature film with actresses ranging from Angelina Jolie to Charlize Theron to Faye Dunaway. John Aglialoro, the entrepreneur who 17 years ago paid $1 million to option the book rights, is tired of the futility and is taking matters into his own hands. Heâ??s announced that he is financing a June 11 production start in Los Angeles for the first of what he said will be four films made from the book.
Aglialoro, who had a hand in writing the script by Brian Oâ??Tool, is taking on this ambitious plan with an unproven director, and is weeks away from production without stars to play Dagny Taggart, Hank Rearden, John Galt and the other roles. He’s moving forward despite the conventional wisdom that without stars, it could ultimately be the audience that shrugged.

It will be a four-part three-part series [see update from Aglialoro]. See the full article for much more.

New documentary about the rock band Rush comes to theaters June 10, 2010

A new documentary movie about the rock band Rush — whose 1976 concept album 2112 featured a title track based loosely on Ayn Rand’s novelette “Anthem” — will be coming to theaters on June 10, 2010.
The trailer is available on YouTube, for those who don’t have Apple’s Quicktime player — but this HQ version at Apple is of much higher quality.

Celebrity Ayn Rand fan Ed Snyder to start new "RightNetwork" cable network

Ed Snider, perhaps best known as owner of the Philadelphia Flyers, is starting a new cable network called RightNetwork, which will compete with Fox News while focusing on entertainment rather than news.
Snider has long been a supporter of Rand-related causes, as he talks about in this 2007 speech.
Hat-tip to Don Hauptman for the link.

OCON 2010: Today is last day for early registration [Update: extended]

Today is the last day for early registration discount for the OCON 2010 conference.
This year’s OCON will be held from July 2-10 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
I will soon turn on the OCON summer conference networking options inside the dating service, as that seemed to be a popular option last year.
UPDATE from OCON: “We are writing with exciting news: as of today, registrations for Objectivist Summer Conference 2010 are on a record-setting pace, with 34% more registrants than we had at this time last year. At this rate, we anticipate our largest conference to date! In response to this news, we have decided to extend our deadline for early registration discounts to Sunday, April 4.”