Lecture on Kay Nolte Smith in Washington, D.C.

Atlasphere columnist Michelle Fram-Cohen will be delivering a lecture entitled “A Tribute to Kay Nolte Smith” at the Washington Metro Objectivism Discussion (WMOD) group on Saturday, January 31st.
From her recent column for the Atlasphere on this same topic:

This year is the tenth anniversary of Kay Nolte Smith’s death. It is hard to believe that less than twenty years ago, her novels stirred up an audience of admirers of Rand’s work yearning for romantic writings, and were the topic of animated discussions, while today, all but one of her eight books are out of print. Yet Kay Nolte Smith was the most prolific, successful and original
novelist to come out of Ayn Rand’s inner circle.

For more information about her upcoming lecture, see the WMOD announcement on their web site.