New Issue of 'Navigator'

The latest issue of The Objectivist Center‘s monthly journal Navigator is out.
In “What Hath Man Wrought!“, William Thomas reviews Charles Murray’s new book Human Accomplishment. Thomas writes:

Murray’s new book, Human Accomplishment, is a study of the known history of such remarkable leaps. It covers the 2,750 years from 800 B.C. to 1950, employing both anecdote and argument to awaken “a sense of wonder” at the greatest feats of human accomplishment in art and science.

Along with the review, David Kelley interviews Charles Murray about the work’s philosophical premises and arguments.
In her short commentary “Honoring the Choice to Die,” Michelle Marder Kamhi confronts the question of how to die with with dignity and humanity.
See the full issue of Navigator for these and other articles.