Sciabarra Fall 2004 Cyberseminar

Chris Matthew Sciabarra will be teaching a new course, “Putting Dialectics to Work,” which begins on Monday, September 6, 2004. Supplemental readings will be included from such Sciabarra books as Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism and Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical.
The course will center on helping students to prepare a paper with dialectical method as their guide to inquiry, self-clarification, and exposition. Students will learn to approach a real, concrete social problem in a dialectical fashion, by focusing on the full context of its implications, by examining it from various points of view and on different levels of generality, and by understanding it as part of a larger system across time.
The cost of the course will be $150 per student for approximately 3 months of instruction. Enrollment is limited to approximately a dozen students. For further information, visit the Seminar page on Chris Sciabarra’s web site.