Wayne Kramer on Remaking 'The Fountainhead'

Last month we reported that Brad Pitt and Oliver Stone are interested in remaking the movie version of The Fountainhead.
Wayne Kramer's The CoolerIt turns out that South African-born director Wayne Kramer (whose charming-looking The Cooler comes out on video tomorrow) is also interested.
From an interview with Kramer at the Times Online:

Is there a book that you would particularly like to make a film from?
My dream book to make a film of would be The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand. There was a version starring Gary Cooper in 1984, but that didn’t do it justice. I think that book is a film just begging to be made.

See the full interview for more info about Wayne Kramer.
(Incidentally, the King Vidor version of The Fountainhead movie starring Gary Cooper was actually released in 1949, not 1984 as stated above.)