Five Ayn Rand Essay Semifinalists in One Class

The Albany, NY Times Union recently published an article about five students from the same class being chosen as semifinalists in the Ayn Rand Institute’s annual essay contest:

Marc Sullivan shrugged when asked how five of his students at Mohonasen High School ended up as semifinalists in an Ayn Rand essay contest with more than 14,000 entrants across the country. He attributed their success to having them do several rewrites and critiquing one another’s work.

While the teacher misrepresents Ayn Rand’s philosophy as “uber-libertarianism” and opposed to cooperative efforts, five semifinalists from one class is quite an accomplishment. See the full article to read more about them.
According to ARI’s list of 2003 Fountainhead Winners, one of the students went on to become a finalist.