Star and Buc Wild Cite Ayn Rand

[UPDATE (1/18/05): It turns out that the first-person excerpt below was not written by Star, but by a poser. See the updated entry on this topic for more information.]
We’re not sure whether to file this under “media citings” or a new category called “media we could do without”… A duo named “Star and Bucwild” have been getting serious morning radio airtime on hip hop stations in New York City (Hot 97) and Philadelphia (Power 99). One of them is a big fan of Ayn Rand’s work.
As one Atlasphere member wrote to us, “Star sounds like Urkel’s creepy, brain damaged uncle. It was very odd to hear him cite Rand. … This will be a good test of whether just getting Rand’s name out is worthwhile despite the context, the speaker, and the severely muddled message.”
Indeed. Here’s a sample:

When we went to LA. we started a Cable Access show called Universal Player Haters. Buck was just a kid. He was 13, 14 years old. He was big into Dance Hall. I was like make some money, be famous. He?s not really a hater. I?m a hater. A player hater is someone who hasn?t achieved the things that a person has. A hater has achieved. We used to be player haters. But we?ve elevated. A haters ideology isn?t just what have you done to me but what the fuck have you done for me? A hater isn?t some one who is miserable with themselves or frustrated. I read a book by an author named Ayn Rand. She wrote the Fountain Head and Atlas Shrugged. She was an atheist. She said things like embracing your ego and being confident. Being objective. Is Nelly really all that or is he being pounded into our head until we know his music? Like my thing with Tigger, it?s not personal. It?s business. It?s questioning his whole aura. The bellhop yasaboss negro. Just happy all the time. Every body?s his fucking cousin. What the fuck are you so happy about?

Okay … NEXT!