Jack Wheeler Profile at WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has an interesting profile of “Indiana Jones of the Right” Jack Wheeler, who has been a fan of Ayn Rand’s works since the 1960s. The article begins:

Dr. Jack Wheeler, whose death-defying adventures span the globe and whose achievements have inspired wide-ranging acclaim, is one geopolitical expert who doesn’t mince words.
Wheeler’s latest barbs are reserved for the Central Intelligence Agency, which despite common perception, he says, is populated by anything but right-wing operatives.
“Most folks think the CIA is a right-wing outfit,” Wheeler writes on his unique intelligence website, To the Point. “It is not. The CIA has been dominated by incompetent left-wing hyper-liberals for years. The worst mistake of George Bush’s presidency was not replacing Clinton holdover George Tenet as CIA director. This is a guy responsible for the single greatest intelligence failure in U.S. history (being unaware of 9-11), who sweet-talked his way into Bush’s confidence and was able to keep his job because he named the CIA Headquarters after [Bush’s] father.”
Available to subscribers of To the Point, Wheeler’s piece goes on to discuss Tenet’s demise and reminds readers he predicted who the ex-CIA chief’s replacement would be, former Rep. Porter Goss. Wheeler describes how the CIA bureaucracy waged a war against Goss’ confirmation, which took months to be approved.
“The key to understanding this war,” writes Wheeler, “is that the CIA doesn’t simply live in a pre-September 11 world where terrorism is only a ‘nuisance’ ? it is that the CIA lives in a left-wing world, the same left-wing world as the State Department. Both worship at the Shrine of Accommodation, Appeasement and Compromise.”

See WorldNetDaily’s full profile of Wheeler for additional information.