Journal of Ayn Rand Studies – New Issue

Volume 6, Number 1 of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies has just been published. This Fall 2004 issue is the first of two symposia celebrating the Ayn Rand Centenary (which is marked, officially, on 2 February 2005).
This issue is entitled “Ayn Rand: Literary and Cultural Impact,” and it features the articles and contributors listed below. The second Rand Centenary issue will be titled “Ayn Rand Among the Austrians,” and will include contributions from Walter Block, Peter J. Boettke, Steven Horwitz, Roderick T. Long, George Reisman, Larry J. Sechrest, Leland Yeager, Ed Younkins, and others. Information on that issue will be available in the Spring of 2005.
The Fall 2004 issue (Centenary Symposium, Part I – Ayn Rand: Literary and Cultural Impact) includes the following contributions:

The Illustrated Rand (by Chris Matthew Sciabarra)
Passing the Torch (by Erika Holzer)
Completing Rand’s Literary Theory (by Stephen Cox)
Ayn Rand’s Influence on American Popular Fiction (by Jeff Riggenbach)
Integrating Mind and Body (by Matthew Stoloff)
The Poetics of Admiration: Ayn Rand and the Art of Heroic Fiction (by Kirsti Minsaas)
The Russian Cultural Connection: Alexander Etkind on Ayn Rand (by Cathy Young)
The Russian Subtext of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead (by Bernice Rosenthal)
Reply to Kirsti Minsaas: Toward an American Renaissance (by Alexandra York)

Visit the Journal of Ayn Rand Studies web site for article abstracts, contributor biographies, and information about subscribing.