Ayn Rand's Books Censored in Philippines?

In an article for Human Events Online, Mark Skousen writes:

In 2002, a student named Franscisco (a pseudonym) at the University of the Philippines read my book, The Making of Modern Economics (ME Sharpe, 2001). The book is a popular textbook that tells the story of the great economic thinkers, from Adam Smith to modern times, all written from a free-market perspective. (Itâ??s now in its third printing, and has been translated into three languages.)
One of the most controversial chapters is chapter 6, â??Marx Plunges Economics into a New Dark Age.â? The student was a member of a Communist front student organization at University of the Philippines, but was so impressed with my critique of Marx that he typed the entire chapter into an email and sent it to all his Marxist friends and sociology professor. As a result, they all abandoned Marxism in favor of free-market economics, including his professor.
Now apparently my book has become so effective in countering Marxism in the Philippines that it has been removed from the major university libraries in Manila — along with Ayn Randâ??s books!

Keep reading for more background information.