Mark Cuban on a New Fountainhead Movie

Cinematical has published a new interview with Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who is now getting into film production and taking steps to reform the way films are distributed.
From the interview:

Today, Oscar-winning director Steven Soderbergh will premiere his new film, a small-town murder mystery called Bubble, in theaters. And on television. And it will arrive on DVD in just a few days. By releasing Bubble on their own, without the blessing of the studio dons, entrepreneur Mark Cuban and his partner Todd Wagner have taken the first step towards rattling Hollywood’s creaky distribution and exhibition foundation.

And later in the interview:

Ryan: I read somewhere that you are fond of Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead. The last film adaptation of that book was in 1949. Is it time for an updating? Who, off the top of your head, would you cast as Howard Roark and Dominique Francon?
MC: I don’t know who owns the rights, but I would love to see it re-done. I would have to think about who. No one says it has to be anyone we have heard of.

I, for one, would love to see a new movie version of The Fountainhead! The old one had a nice style about it, but it feels rather dated to those of us who enjoy modern production techniques.
See the full interview for more about Cuban’s activities and ambitions as a budding movie producer.