Atlas Shrugged Movie May Come as 3-Part Trilogy

Joe Duarte, who attended this year’s Objectivist Center summer seminar, had this to say about the session with Atlas Shrugged movie producers Karen and Howard Baldwin and financial backer John Aglialoro:

The Atlas Shrugged movie looks like it’s really going to happen. And it looks like Angelina Jolie is likely to play Dagny. Other names mentioned by the producers as people they’ve talked to or talked about: Julia Roberts and Ashley Judd. The big thing now is to sign a director. James Hart is the screenwriter.
The movie is likely to be a three-part trilogy, like Lord of the Rings. The most important thing I got out of the amazing session we had with producers Karen and Howard Baldwin, and John Aglialoro, the backer, is how committed they are to the message of the novel. Karen said that the character of Dagny is perhaps the best female character in all of literature. Bottom line: They get it.

This is encouraging.

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