Vadim Perelman's "House of Sand and Fog"

Last week I watched the DVD of Atlas Shrugged movie director Vadim Perelman’s House of Sand and Fog.
Since he’s going to be the proverbial “god” of the new Atlas Shrugged movie, I figured it would be worth witnessing his previous cinematic work first-hand.
This is a dark movie, no question about it. I can easily imagine some Ayn Rand fans liking the movie, and others actively disliking it.
The writing, acting, and directing are excellent — but it would be hard, and an act of questionable integrity, to squeeze a feel-good movie out of such a tragic novel.
So instead you’re left with a gorgeously filmed and produced adaptation of a sad and disturbing story.
Personally I would recommend the movie highly — but only to someone with a fair tolerance for psychologically dark films.
If you do rent the DVD, I highly recommend watching it again, a second time, with the “commentary” feature turned on.
I’m not normally a big fan of watching the commentary for a movie — but, in this case, it was very well done and I found my appreciation for the movie deepening even more.
The commentary is by Perelman, Kingsley, and the author of the original book — who was positively beaming about Perelman’s adaptation, for whatever that’s worth.
…And it’s probably worth a lot, because it speaks to Perelman’s ability to remain true to a novelist’s vision, while still making a credible and compelling screen adaptation of his work.
I hope to write a fuller review of this movie for the Atlasphere one week soon.