Bidinotto: The Republican Betrayal of Individualism

From Robert Bidinotto:

With the recent gasoline price crisis, congressional Republicans had a matchless opportunity to rally public opinion in order to steamroll radical environmentalists, and, at long last, open taboo regions — such as the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, and offshore regions in the Pacific — to fossil fuel exploration.
But no. Once again, in the face of moral opposition — and just as they did after their 1994 “Republican Revolution” against “big government” — the congressional Republicans have blinked, and backed down. As a result, they have now guaranteed that those vital resources will remain undeveloped for the foreseeable future — and thus have also guaranteed our continuing dependence on the anti-American Muslim world for our energy needs…a dependency that is directly causing the deaths and crippling of thousands of brave young American soldiers.
Okay, I have had it.

If you agree, then keep reading…

TOC Summer Seminar 2006

The Objectivist Center has announced that it will hold its 17th Annual Summer Seminar conference July 1-8, 2006, on the campus of Chapman University. The Chapman campus is located in Orange, California, close to Orange County/John Wayne Airport, Disney World, Huntingdon Beach, and of course everything else in the Los Angeles area. The Seminar program and registration information will be available in early 2006.

TOC on Islamism and Terrorism

Two new articles from the lastest edition of The Objectivist Center‘s The New Individualist.

Ed Hudgins, in “The Means and Ends of Islamists,” shows that the violent means of the Islamists reflect their culture of death and that the silence of their more peaceful co-religionists is moral abdication.

Bruce Thornton, in “Multiculturalism and its Discontents,” explains how multiculturalism is at the root of the London bombings. All the more relevant now that France is suffering the same fate.

Is the Free Market Un-French?

Yes, according to French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin.
As reported by Debra Sounders on, with 30% of French Muslims unemployed, Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy “embraces the sort of Anglo-American free-market economic reforms that should raise employment levels and offer opportunity to the economically disenfranchised.”
Unfortunately, Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin “prefers the government-rich model — government programs and job counseling — and dismisses the Sarkozy approach as un-French.”
Sounders aptly remarks: “There is such a thing as being too French, after all. High unemployment, for example, is very French. Strikes are French. These riots are French.”
For further reading…

Diamond Ring vs. First Edition of Atlas Shrugged

Here’s a cute anecdote from the article “Diamonds Not Always A Bride’s Best Friend,” about the role of diamonds, currently and historically, in wedding engagements:

Sandy Chin, 31, said her feminist side would never allow her to have a ring that, as she puts it, “shows you are the possession of someone else, which is disgusting to me.” So, instead of a ring, her fiance bought her a first edition copy of “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand.

Bidinotto: Jihad Begins in Europe?

Robert Bidinotto has a terrific new article on the riots in France. He begins:

As many observers have noted, the mainstream media (MSM) have marched in lockstep in their desperation to minimize the role that Islamism may be playing in the wave of rioting and vandalism plaguing France during the past two weeks. Typical of this effort by “reporters” not to report the bald (if politically incorrect) facts is The New York Times of November 5, which declared: “While the vast majority of the young people behind the nightly attacks are Muslim, experts and residents warned against seeing the violence through the prism of religion.” Apparently we are to believe that the more significant causal factor is the fact that they are “youths,” or “young people,” or even “youngsters” — words which appear prominently in every article, in order to bury any rare, passing mentions of the word “Muslim.”
But truth will out, and it’s getting harder and harder for the Leftist press to maintain this fiction. References to Islam are increasing, and even Newsweek now speculates about the role of Islamists in the Paris terror. If this trend continues, pretty soon the MSM might even begin to acknowledge the wisdom in columns by Mark Steyn.
But what is the specific cause of the Muslim uprising in France?

Keep reading…

French Riots Caused by Welfare State

Shannon Love offers useful free-market insights into the root causes of the increasingly widespread riots in France:

Via Instapundit comes a discussion on whether the riots in France, and the general breakdown of law and order in some sections of other European countries, are primarily the result of Islamo-facism, runaway multiculturalism or the welfare-state. All three factors play into the problem but I think the primary driver is the welfare state.
One might ask, however, why should anyone riot when the welfare state provides all the basic material necessities of life? It’s not as if the residents of the suburbs of Paris are starving, exposed to the elements or deprived of medical care. By the standards of most of humanity, they live quite opulent lives. Why doesn’t the welfare state make them happy?
The short answer is that human beings are not cows. Cows are quite content if their material needs are met but people have hopes, dreams and aspirations. It is precisely these psychological benefits that the welfare state ultimately cannot provide. People are rioting not because they are deprived of material benefits but because they are wholly dependent on the whims of others for the benefits they do receive. They have no status and no control. It is these social, psychological and spiritual deprivations that they are ultimately striking out against.

Keep reading… (via Instapundit)

C-SpanII Book TV: Was Communism A Threat to Hollywood?

As pointed on this blog entry, the Liberty Film Festival featured a panel of authors who have written books about Hollywood debate the quesstion: Was Communism a threat to Hollywood? The event was recorded and will be broadcasted on C-SPAN II’s Book TV on Saturday, November 5 at 9:00 pm and Sunday, November 6 at 7:00 pm
See the announcement of the show on C-Span II Book TV.

Google Library Infringes Copyright?

Google is undertaking a large, long-term project to make the content of hard copy books (remember those?) available via the Internet.
Such a project would unquestionably benefit many in significant ways. Nick Taylor, in a Washington Post editorial, argues they are going about it without due consideration of intellectual property rights.
In response, Authors Guild, of which Taylor is current president, has filed suit against Google.
One side argues the potential benefit to society outweighs the author’s right to compensation for his or her work. The librarian of the University of Michigan, for example, states “We cannot lose sight of the tremendous benefits this project will bring to society.”
Others argue no copyright infringement is taking place.

First, Google does not intend to sell digital copies of the books themselves, selling instead targeted advertising links embedded on the results page. Second, only very small snippets of the books (less then three lines) will be displayed at any one time.

While agreeing about the likely benefit, Taylor argues that “Society has traditionally seen its greatest value in the rights of individuals, and particularly in the dignity of their work and just compensation for it.”

Two Upcoming TIA Teleconference Lectures

This Thursday, November 3, Atlasphere member Andrew Bernstein will present a live teleconference lecture on the subject “Ten Neglected Truths About Capitalism.” Dr. Bernstein will share new insights into the nature and history of Capitalism, which he learned from his research on his book The Capitalist Manifesto. The lecture will run 8:30-10:00 EST and will include a 30-minute Q&A.
Next Wednesday, November 9, M. Zachary Johnson, a composer and musicologist in the New York City area, will present a live teleconference lecture on the subjet “The Head and Heart of Music.” The lecture will run 8:30-10:00 EST and will include a 30-minute Q&A.
From the description:

This lecture will introduce the idea that the philosophic issue of the relationship between man’s mind and body is the crucial issue in the field of musicâ??that it is this abstraction which ties together and explains a vast range of seemingly disparate concretes in the field. This “head-heart” issue is a basic determinant of a person’s taste in musicâ??and sets the course of the history of music.

Both lectures are presented under the auspices of The Intellectual Activist.