Wanted: Objectivist Families

ABC recruiter Susie Banikarim (who tells me she has, herself, read all of Ayn Rand’s novels) extends the following invitation to members of the Atlasphere:

Is Your Family Ready for Prime Time?

ABC is currently working on a groundbreaking new series that celebrates the American family, based on a major award-winning British format.
The programs are portraits of American life and I am looking for a family that lives its life by the philosophy of Ayn Rand to participate.
If you are a two-parent family with young or teenage children, at least two of whom are over the age of eight, you can be on our show.
If you have ever wondered what it would be like to be part of a different family or if you have ever wanted an opporunity to share how your family does things with the world, this is the opportunity for you.
If you’re interested, please call me (Susie Banikarim, 212-404-1429) as soon as possible. We’re looking for families all the time.