New Intellectual Forum's Solstice Celebration

Located in Chicago, The New Intellectual Forum is one of the longest-running Objectivist salons in the country. Since 1988, it has been meeting monthly in members homes, with parties twice a year, including a Solstice Celebration this Saturday, December 4.
Get togethers consist of a presentation, usually by one of the members, on topics ranging as far as the members’ imaginations go: from the nature of number to extreme sports, from examining heroes to international law. The discussion assumes a basic agreement with Ayn Rand’s ideas, and reason, civility and good fellowship rule the roost.
Festivities usually begin at a local restaurant where members meet for dinner at 6 PM, usually on the third Saturday of the month. At 8 PM, all retire to a member’s home (most often of late, John and Marsha Enright’s on the South Side), where snacks are shared and drinks are provided. Between 8 and 8:30, participants assemble for the presentation, which may be anywhere from fifteen minutes to one hour, followed by lively discussion.
A break for food and drink usualy follows, and members enjoy continuing conversation, often into the wee hours.
New members and out-of-towners are welcome! Contact Marsha Enright for more information.

Details on the Solstice Celebration:
Saturday, December 4, 2004
(Next meeting January 15, 2005)
We hope to see some of you who can’t usually make it – partners, spouses and kids are welcome, and there’s plenty of stuff for them to play with.
A Pot Luck Dinner
Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible (original deadline of 12/1 extended for Atlasphere members!).
Arena will provide a main dish ($4-$5 per person). Those with last names beginning N-Z, bring an appetizer or side dish, all others bring a dessert. If you don’t cook, please go to a favorite restaurant or take-out place and get something good for your main dish and sides. We’re usually low on
vegetables and salads.
Soft drinks, plates, ice, utensils, etc. will be provided.
If you have not signed up to be a member, and the only thing you can attend this year is the party – you’re still welcome. Just give me a few dollars extra when you come to cover your costs.
Present Guessing Game
In keeping with the tradition of the New Intellectual Forum, we will be playing the Present Guessing Game, alledged to have been played by Ayn Rand! (It’s almost her 100th birthday!) Here’s how it works: anonymously, bring
a wrapped present (value at *least* $15). When you arrive, deposit it in the blackplastic bag at the door. After dinner, we will all go into the living room, pick a present and, one by one, unwrap them. We will try to reason about who gave the present. Be ready for laughs! Call me if you have any questions. If you keep it secret from your partner, it’s more fun.