FrontPage Mag: Copyright? What's That?

I’ve always thought highly of FrontPage Magazine, or at least the few articles I’ve read there personally — but now I wonder how much of it was even content that they created, instead of stealing it from another site without permission.
Today they reproduced the full text of our January 2004 interview with Sabine Herold, with (a) no request for permission, (b) no acknowledgement of the original publication or copyright holder, and (c) no link back to our web site. In other words, it was a brazen violation of our copyright to the material.
And they featured it on the main page of their site, as original content.
I’ve written their editorial staff to ask that the oversight be remedied. Problem is, it’s the kind of thing which should never happen in the first place at a professional magazine. Even most amateur bloggers show better courtesy than this. What were they thinking?
UPDATE: In response to my request, they’ve promptly shortened the article and provided a link to the full article on our site.
No reply yet from them on whether reprinting copyrighted articles without permission is standard practice or some kind of anomaly at their publication. …I guess it must be their standard practice. Lovely.