Feedback Ahoy!

The Atlasphere recently published its 500th column — which happened to be Jacob Sullum’s “Sizing up Fred Thompson’s Federalism.”
Coincidentally, we’ve also begun collecting reader feedback on all of our columns. This form for submitting your feedback appears at the bottom of each column, and is open to all Atlasphere members, paid or unpaid.
Your feedback will be e-mailed to the author — assuming he or she has an Atlasphere profile, as the vast majority of our authors do — as well as to me and Atlasphere Editor Phil Coates. We’ll use your ratings and comments not only to help guide future publishing decisions, but also to provide periodic lists of our “top rated columns.”
In addition, we’ll be culling our very best reader feedback for a “letters to the editor” feature for each column we’ve published. Expect this feature to show up within a few weeks, and it will apply retroactively — i.e., once we launch it, we’ll be publishing some of the feedback you submit between now and then.
We quietly launched our feedback feature a couple weeks ago, and many of you have already availed yourself of it. In fact, as of this moment we’ve collected 353 ratings from 150 members on 96 different articles.
We look forward to hearing from the rest of you, as well. You can begin by perusing former Rand attorney Henry Mark Holzer’s “The Iranian Time Bomb,” independent journalist Michael J. Totten’s interview “Al Qaeda Lost,” or 20/20 co-anchor John Stossel’s “Our Crazy Health-Insurance System.”
Currently, our two top-rated columns are Jessica Bennett’s “Which One Are You?” (from the Atlasphere archives, originally published in 2004) and Paul Hsieh’s new ARI-distributed Op-Ed “‘Single Payer’ Health Care Is Hardly Free.”
If you would like notification each time we publish a new column, you can turn that on by updating your notification preferences or by entering your e-mail address in the “Get Notified” box at the bottom of any column.
As always, please contact us if you have questions or suggestions for further improving the Atlasphere.