New Issue of 'Navigator'

The latest issue of The Objectivist Center‘s monthly journal Navigator is out.
In ‘Mozart’s Don Giovanni: An Enlightenment Hero?’ John Kerns begins with this intriguing question:

How are we to judge Don Giovanni, the protagonist of Mozart’s famous opera? Is he an Enlightenment hero, a symbol of independent thinking and action standing in opposition to church and convention? Or is he a dissolute roué evading responsibility for his actions or, even worse, a murderer and rapist?

Also in this issue, William Thomas reviews Alexander York’s novel, Crosspoints in ‘A Romantic Manifesto’, Michelle Fram-Cohen looks at the inspiring works of painting Uri Gil in ‘An Israeli Airman Attains New Heights in Painting’, and Robert Bidinotto writes how ‘Hollywood Canonizes an Eco-Terrorist’.
See the full issue of Navigator for these and other articles.

Ayn Rand in Smart Money Mag

The teaser for the June 21 edition of Smart Money magazine’s Tradecraft feature begins by explicitly endorsing Ayn Rand’s view of government.
Smart Money is the major financial publication of Hearst Corporation, (which is also publisher of Esquire magazine). Subscribers to Smart Money can read the full article.
UPDATE: Rand’s appearance in Smart Money is more than a coincidence: The article was written by Atlasphere member Jonathan Hoenig, of Chicago, who’s given us permission to reproduce the full article here.

Get Off Our Backs!
by Jonathan Hoenig – June 21, 2004

AS THE SAYING GOES, there’s no such thing as being a little bit pregnant. When it comes to freedom, the same applies: People either are free, or they aren’t. Either they’re sovereign individuals who own their lives and the results of their productive efforts, or they’re servants to the state. If basic rights are always subject to a majority vote, it’s not liberty, but mob rule.
Free trade is one of those rights. As philosopher Ayn Rand wrote, “political freedom cannot exist without economic freedom; a free mind and a free market are corollaries.” People who aren’t free to trade their property, time or productive effort in accordance with their own values aren’t free at all.
Continue reading “Ayn Rand in Smart Money Mag”

Institute for Justice in 'Fortune' Magazine

Fortune magazine has published a terrific profile of the Institute for Justice, whose staff includes (daughter of long-time ARI Executive Director Michael Berliner) Dana Berliner and (until recently) Clint Bolick, who has been a regular speaker at the Objectivist Center’s summer conferences.
The Fortune profile begins:

If you want to become a florist in Louisiana, a state law requires you to take a licensing exam. Your flowers are evaluated by licensed florists on subjective criteria such as whether they are “spaced effectively” and have the “proper focal point.” More than half of the applicants fail. Do unlicensed florists present a big menace? No, many believe the real explanation is that Louisiana florists want to limit their competition. In Oklahoma a similar law requires that anyone who wants to sell caskets must first obtain a funeral director’s license and embalm 25 bodies. These laws and others like them can seem unfair to entrepreneurs, and in recent years a nonprofit law firm called the Institute for Justice has helped small businesses fight them.
Based in Washington, D.C., the Institute for Justice is the only libertarian law firm in the country that handles cases coast-to-coast. (That’s libertarian with a lower-case ‘l’?IJ is not affiliated with any political party.) Working at no cost to clients, IJ’s lawyers try to limit government regulation, usually by challenging state laws. Aside from a handful of cases involving school choice and residential property rights, IJ works almost exclusively on behalf of small businesses, specifically in economic liberty, free speech, and eminent domain cases. It files suit only against the government, not private parties, and it doesn’t handle social issues such as abortion, gun control, or prayer in schools.
The firm has 12 to 15 active cases at any time, and several have been in the headlines in recent months. In March the Arizona Structural Pest Control Commission backed down from prosecuting Christian Alf, a Tempe, Ariz., 17-year-old who started an after-school business patching holes in roofs to protect homes from a local rat infestation. At $30 a job, Alf was severely undercutting local licensed exterminators. After receiving IJ’s letter stating its intention to support Alf, and unflattering coverage in the Arizona Republic (Most Irritating Pests Are Those on State Commission), the commission determined that Alf was not breaking the law and issued a letter wishing him well.

See the full profile for more information about IJ, including Ayn Rand’s role in inspiring this “merry band of litigators.”

Wayne Kramer on Remaking 'The Fountainhead'

Last month we reported that Brad Pitt and Oliver Stone are interested in remaking the movie version of The Fountainhead.
Wayne Kramer's The CoolerIt turns out that South African-born director Wayne Kramer (whose charming-looking The Cooler comes out on video tomorrow) is also interested.
From an interview with Kramer at the Times Online:

Is there a book that you would particularly like to make a film from?
My dream book to make a film of would be The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand. There was a version starring Gary Cooper in 1984, but that didn’t do it justice. I think that book is a film just begging to be made.

See the full interview for more info about Wayne Kramer.
(Incidentally, the King Vidor version of The Fountainhead movie starring Gary Cooper was actually released in 1949, not 1984 as stated above.)

Celebrity Rand Fan: David Duval

Ranked No. 1 in the world at one time, celebrity golfer David Duval has ended a seven-month layoff to play in this year’s U.S. Open.
From a new profile of Duval in the Detroit News:

He craves a simple life, but being in the spotlight, being scrutinized, being a high-profile professional athlete and being famous isn?t always simple. It can be, but only if you make it so.
There?s the rub. For Duval, life is a maze. His thoughts are deep. He thinks and uses words such as existentialist. His favorite book is Ayn Rand?s ?Atlas Shrugged.? Duval deals with questions such as, ?Who is John Galt?? Not, ?How many birdies you make today, Double-D??
Duval returns to the PGA Tour today when he tees it up at Shinnecock Hills after a seven-month layoff. He didn?t play competitive golf because he didn?t want to. He?s playing here because he wants to play. He?s not here to think about winning or to win, only to play.
?I didn?t really know when I would play again,? Duval said. ?I just felt like at some point I would feel like I was ready to go, just play and have some fun.?

See Duval’s full profile for additional information.
(Thanks to Atlasphere member Scott Croom for this media citing.)

Ayn Rand Tour in New York City

CENTURY WALKING TOURS. Tomorrow [June 12th, 2004] at 11 a.m., “Ayn Rand’s Park Avenue” discusses sites associated with the writer, meeting at the Met Life Building, East 45th Street, between Vanderbilt and Lexington Avenues. Sunday at 11 a.m., “Newspaper Row” covers the historic newspaper district in Lower Manhattan, meeting on the southeast corner of Broadway and Fulton Street. Fee for each, $15. Information: (917) 607-9019.

Reagan: Less John Wayne, More John Galt

Atlasphere member Gordon Wood forwards a commentary by Canadian columnist Charles Adler addressing the liberal claim that Ronald Reagan “seduced his nation and many others overseas through the power of his personality.”
Adler points out that it was the strength of Reagan’s principles, not his personality, that drove world change under the late president’s watch:

Come Friday, “Freedom’s Champion” will receive a state funeral. But unfortunately the mythology manufactured by his critics won’t be buried. Many of them who live in our own country will continue to say that Ronald Reagan was a just a “B” actor who brought his John Wayne act to Washington and got lucky because Communism just happened to start imploding on his watch.
Truth is, Reagan was no John Wayne. He was more like John Galt, the man in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, who is willing to speak hard truths in behalf of individual freedom and the creativity it inspires.

See the full article (scroll down) for further analysis.

Ronald Reagan's Legacy

In honor of the late President Ronald Reagan, The Objectivist Center‘s Ed Hudgins examines Reagan’s moral legacy:

First, he offered an optimistic vision of America and the world, knowing that there is no limit to the achievements of free individuals.
Second, he understood that government is the problem, not the solution, and its powers should be limited.
And third, he understood that communism was truly evil and more than any single individual was responsble for its demise.

For a further tribute, read Hudgins’s “Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan” from earlier this year.
PS. Reagan considered himself an admirer of Ayn Rand.

New Issue – Journal of Ayn Rand Studies

Volume 5, Number 2 of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies has just been published. The issue features the following contributions:

The Magnificent Progress Achieved by Capitalism:
Is the Evidence Incontrovertible? (by Hendrik Van den Berg)
Universals and Measurement (by Stephen Boydstun)
Art as Microcosm (by Roger E. Bissell)
Ayn Rand in the Scholarly Literature IV: Ayn Rand in England (by Nicholas Dykes)
An Economist Reads Philosophy: Review of Leland Yeager’s book Ethics as Social Science (by William Thomas)
Capitalism and Virtue: Review of Dinesh D’Souza’s book The Virtue of Prosperity (by Will Wilkinson)
A Direct Realist’s Challenge to Skepticism: Review of Michael Huemer’s book Skepticism and the Veil of Perception (by Ari Armstrong)
Reply to Huemer: Egoism and Predatory Behavior (by Michael Young)
Rejoinder to Young: Egoism and Prudent Predation (by Michael Huemer)
Objectivism: On Stage and Self Destructive: Review of Sky Gilbert’s play, The Emotionalists (by Karen Michalson)
Reply to Michalson: Rand as Guru: Will it Never End? (by Sky Gilbert)
Rejoinder to Gilbert: Rand as What? (by Karen Michalson)

Visit the JARS web site for article abstracts, contributor biographies, and information on subscriptions.
Watch for Volume 6 in 2004-2005, which will consist of two special symposium issues in honor of the Ayn Rand centenary. The first will deal with Ayn Rand’s cultural and literary impact, and the second will deal with “Ayn Rand Among the Austrians.”