Simpsons parody of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead

Thanks to Don Hauptman for the heads-up. Summary for the episode:

“4 Great Women & A Manicure” – 8 \ 7c
— “THE SIMPSONS” — (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT)
Jodie Foster Guest-Voices
Marge and Lisa visit the nail salon where they engage in a spirited debate as to whether a woman can be smart, powerful and beautiful all at the same time. To prove their point, they spin four tales of famous women featuring famous Springfield faces: Selma as Queen Elizabeth I, Lisa as Snow White, Marge as Lady Macbeth and Maggie (guest voice Jodie Foster) as the idealistic architect protagonist from Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead” in the “Four Great Women and a Manicure” episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, May 10 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (SI-2009) (TV-PG; D) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1

BusinessWeek: The Economy Needs Ayn Rand

BusinessWeek‘s “Debate Room” published a for-and-against piece on the topic: “Author Ayn Randâ??s philosophy of rational self-interest is more relevant todayâ??amid the flurry of government bailoutsâ??than ever. Pro or con?”
Onkar Ghate takes the affirmative position, which begins:

If Ayn Randâ??s philosophy of rational self-interest is irrelevant today, then so is the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration gave sanction to selfishness: to the moral right to live your own life, to exercise your liberty, to pursue your happiness. No more taking orders from king or society. Each was free to live for himself.

Christina Patterson takes the negative position, which begins:

Youâ??d think it was a joke, when the global economy was collapsing because of greed, that anyone might turn seriously to the purple prose of crypto-fascist Ayn Rand and think it was the answer to anything. How could her so-called philosophy of â??rational self-interestâ?â??in other words, a crude kind of dog-eat-dog laissez-faire capitalismâ??seem like the route out of this obstacle-strewn labyrinth into which weâ??re all now locked?

See the full piece for more.
(Thanks to Top Gun‘s Greg Feirman for the tip!)

Celebrity Ayn Rand Fan: Marketer Ted Nicholas

Ted Nicholas is perhaps the most famous direct mail and direct sales marketer in the world. During his career, working in 47 different industries, he has sold over 7 billion dollars worth of products and services.
Someone just forwarded me the latest issue of his e-newsletter, The Success Margin. Here is how it begins:

A warm hello from Cyprus, my favorite island in
the world. The sun is setting on my veranda at this
moment as I pen these words.
Ever think about this?
The average small business owner barely makes a
living let alone ever becomes wealthy.
Many entrepreneurs work extremely long hours.
But hard work alone is definitely not the answer to
achieving massive success.
By contrast, nearly every wealthy super achiever
I’ve known and worked with are not workaholics.
(To be fair, I also know a few workaholics that are
rich. But they are unhappy and unhealthy in every
While the super successful are productive, they are
also multifaceted in how they spend their time. And
their lives are a lot more fun too.
I believe it is this “well roundedness” factor alone
that makes all the difference. And multiplies their
margin of success.
I thought I’d share today lots of personal things
about facets of my own life that you may find of
These insights may give you food for thought. And
also encourage you to add some factors to your
Besides my work, here is a brief look at how I
spend the most valuable asset I have – my time.
** Reading **
I read 2-3 hours a day and have for many years.
This includes solid “How To” books, written by
those who really walk the talk.
But I also enjoy fiction. Favorite fiction writers
include Ayn Rand, John McDonald, Rex Stout,
Elmore Leonard. My very favorite author is the late
Miss Rand.

Are you single and planning to attend OCON?

A member of our dating service, Theresa, has offered to coordinate an informal dinner outing for members of the Atlasphere’s dating service who will be attending OCON 2009 in Boston this July.
Feel free to contact her through her dating profile if you would like information about partaking.
In addition, we have created a section where we list the men and women in our dating service who will be attending the conference, so you can start getting to know one another before the conference begins.
Any member of Atlasphere’s dating service can add him- or herself to these lists, using the form provided at the top of these pages.
We hope you find this new feature helpful. My wife Kathy and I met at a summer conference in 1999, so we’re always happy to vouch for just how valuable these can be when you are looking for a soul-mate.
If you have questions or need any assistance, please contact us.

"Go Galt" with the Fenwicks

From Atlasphere member Steven Schub, lead singer of the world’s only Objectivist Ska band, the Fenwicks:
Music for your “Tax Day Tea Party”: Our (musical) open love letter to John Galt, and a song which may help start a revolution!
“Under The Thorns” by The Fenwicks.
Available now, free for your downloading pleasure!
On MySpace:
On Facebook:
On iTunes:
Words by Steven Schub Music by Jimmie Corrieri
Performed by The Fenwicks
Under the thorns and chains lies a firm resolve
Beneath the files and laws a mind that won’t dissolve
Below the big regime a face without the fear
Underneath the meek and weak a face without the shame
Don’t ask him for forgiveness Don’t ask him for spare change
He’s carried all your burdens This man who knows no pain
Above the firm resolve a perverted scheme
Over the decided mind a parasitic dream
In the name of mercy and humanity
In the name of duty, so-called morality
Don’t ask him for submission Don’t pray for his good grace
He’s witnessed all your purges This man who needs no faith
And though they feed on guilt It seems their food’s run out
He will not buy their myth He will not bear their cross
Man may rise But men will fall
Bureaucrats and Priests expropriate your dreams
He shirks the density of the collective mind
Slinging the sacred filth of the collectively blind
They sink below the stench of self-sacrifice
Seizing salvation in their suicide
Don’t ask him for repentance Don’t speak of moral debts
He’ll owe his life to no one This man who got away

What is "Going Galt"?

From The Atlas Society:
“Tea parties.” “Going Galt.” You’ve probably seen a growing number of references to these in the media, online, and on signs at rallies reacting to new government spending and controls.
The Boston Tea Party was a rebellion against excessive government. Today’s “tea parties” say “no” to spending without limit and the government takeover of our lives….
If you’ve read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, you appreciate the parallels between today’s disintegrating world and the events depicted in that prophetic novel. Atlas Shrugged is the story of how productive people went on strike, withdrawing their services in protest against a society that damned them for being productive and expropriated the fruits of their labor….
What is “Going Galt?”

  • “Going Galt” doesn’t simply mean getting angry. That would be “Going Postal.” It means having righteous indignation at the injustice of a political system that bails out individuals and institutions for irresponsible behavior and at the expense of those like you who prosper through hard work and personal responsibly.
  • “Going Galt” means asking in the face of new taxes and government controls, “Why work at all?” “For whom am I working?” “Am I a slave?”
  • “Going Galt” means recognizing that you’re being punished not for your vices but for your virtues.
  • “Going Galt” means recognizing that you have a moral right to your own life, the pursuit of your own happiness, and thus to the rewards you’ve earned with your labor.
  • “Going Galt” means recognizing that you deserve praise and honor for your achievements rather than damnation as “exploiters.”
  • “Going Galt” means recognizing that you do not need to justify your life or wealth to your neighbors, “society,” or politicians, or bureaucrats. They’re yours, period!
  • “Going Galt” means recognizing that the needs of others do not give them a claim to your time, effort, and achievements.
  • “Going Galt” means shrugging off unearned guilt, refusing to support your own destroyers, refusing to give them what Ayn Rand termed “the sanction of the victim.” It means taking the moral high ground by explicitly rejecting as evil the premise of “self-sacrifice” that they sell to you as a virtue- in fact “self-sacrifice” is an invitation to suicide.

The banker who said no: Andy Beal

Judging by his recent profile in Forbes, banker Andy Beal sounds like he would be right at home in the world of Atlas Shrugged:

Standing outside the glass-domed headquarters of his Plano, Texas, bank in March, D. Andrew Beal presses a cellphone to his ear. He’s discussing a deal to buy mortgage securities. In just a few minutes, the deal’s done: His Beal Bank will buy $15 million of face value for $5 million. A few hours earlier he reviewed details on a $500 million loan his bank is making to a company heading into bankruptcy — the biggest he’s ever done. A few floors above, workers are bent over computer screens preparing bids for chunks of $600 million in assets dumped by two imploded financial firms. In the last 15 months, Beal has purchased $800 million of loans from failed banks, probably more than anyone else.
Andy Beal, a 56-year-old, poker-playing college dropout, is a one-man toxic-asset eater — without a shred of government assistance. Beal plays his cards patiently. For three long years, from 2004 to 2007, he virtually stopped making or buying loans. While the credit markets were roaring and lenders were raking in billions, Beal shrank his bank’s assets because he thought the loans were going to blow up. He cut his staff in half and killed time playing backgammon or racing cars. He took long lunches with friends, carping to them about “stupid loans.” His odd behavior puzzled regulators, credit agencies and even his own board. They wondered why he was seemingly shutting the bank down, resisting the huge profits the nation’s big banks were making. One director asked him: “Are we a dinosaur?”
Now, while many of those banks struggle to dig out from under a mountain of bad debt, Beal is acquiring assets. He is buying bonds backed by commercial planes, IOUs to power plants in the South, a mortgage on an office building in Ohio, debt backed by a Houston refinery and home loans from Alaska to Florida. In the last 15 months Beal has put $5 billion to work, tripling Beal Bank’s assets to $7 billion, while such banks as Citigroup and Morgan Stanley shrink and gobble up billions in taxpayer bailouts.
Beal has barely got a dime from the feds. A self-described “libertarian kind of guy,” Beal believes the government helped create the credit crisis. Now he finds it “crazy” that bankers who acted irresponsibly are getting money and he’s not. But he wants to exploit their recklessness to amass his own fortune. “This is the opportunity of my lifetime,” says Beal. “We are going to be a $30 billion bank without any help from the government.” (A slight overstatement: He is quick to say he relies on federal deposit insurance.) Not much next to the trillion-dollar balance sheets of the nation’s troubled banks, but the lesson here might be revealed in the fact that this billionaire is not playing with other people’s money–he owns 100% of the bank and is acting accordingly.

See the full article in Forbes for much more, including the story of how Beal won $11 million in a single day of playing poker.
One of the brightest linings to all the financial chaos today is seeing Atlases like Andy Beal at the top of their game.
(Hat-tip to Integreillumine.)